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This module contains terms related classes.

RawTransaction Objects

class RawTransaction()

This class represents an instance of RawTransaction.


def __init__(ledger_id: str, body: JSONLike) -> None

Initialise an instance of RawTransaction.


def ledger_id() -> str

Get the id of the ledger on which the terms are to be settled.


def body() -> JSONLike

Get the body.


def encode(raw_transaction_protobuf_object: Any,
           raw_transaction_object: "RawTransaction") -> None

Encode an instance of this class into the protocol buffer object.

The protocol buffer object in the raw_transaction_protobuf_object argument must be matched with the instance of this class in the 'raw_transaction_object' argument.


  • raw_transaction_protobuf_object: the protocol buffer object whose type corresponds with this class.
  • raw_transaction_object: an instance of this class to be encoded in the protocol buffer object.


def decode(cls, raw_transaction_protobuf_object: Any) -> "RawTransaction"

Decode a protocol buffer object that corresponds with this class into an instance of this class.

A new instance of this class must be created that matches the protocol buffer object in the 'raw_transaction_protobuf_object' argument.


  • raw_transaction_protobuf_object: the protocol buffer object whose type corresponds with this class.


A new instance of this class that matches the protocol buffer object in the 'raw_transaction_protobuf_object' argument.


def __eq__(other: Any) -> bool

Check equality.


def __str__() -> str

Get string representation.

RawMessage Objects

class RawMessage()

This class represents an instance of RawMessage.


def __init__(ledger_id: str,
             body: bytes,
             is_deprecated_mode: bool = False) -> None

Initialise an instance of RawMessage.


def ledger_id() -> str

Get the id of the ledger on which the terms are to be settled.


def body() -> bytes

Get the body.


def is_deprecated_mode() -> bool

Get the is_deprecated_mode.


def encode(raw_message_protobuf_object: Any,
           raw_message_object: "RawMessage") -> None

Encode an instance of this class into the protocol buffer object.

The protocol buffer object in the raw_message_protobuf_object argument must be matched with the instance of this class in the 'raw_message_object' argument.


  • raw_message_protobuf_object: the protocol buffer object whose type corresponds with this class.
  • raw_message_object: an instance of this class to be encoded in the protocol buffer object.


def decode(cls, raw_message_protobuf_object: Any) -> "RawMessage"

Decode a protocol buffer object that corresponds with this class into an instance of this class.

A new instance of this class must be created that matches the protocol buffer object in the 'raw_message_protobuf_object' argument.


  • raw_message_protobuf_object: the protocol buffer object whose type corresponds with this class.


A new instance of this class that matches the protocol buffer object in the 'raw_message_protobuf_object' argument.


def __eq__(other: Any) -> bool

Check equality.


def __str__() -> str

Get string representation.

SignedTransaction Objects

class SignedTransaction()

This class represents an instance of SignedTransaction.


def __init__(ledger_id: str, body: JSONLike) -> None

Initialise an instance of SignedTransaction.


def ledger_id() -> str

Get the id of the ledger on which the terms are to be settled.


def body() -> JSONLike

Get the body.


def encode(signed_transaction_protobuf_object: Any,
           signed_transaction_object: "SignedTransaction") -> None

Encode an instance of this class into the protocol buffer object.

The protocol buffer object in the signed_transaction_protobuf_object argument must be matched with the instance of this class in the 'signed_transaction_object' argument.


  • signed_transaction_protobuf_object: the protocol buffer object whose type corresponds with this class.
  • signed_transaction_object: an instance of this class to be encoded in the protocol buffer object.


def decode(cls,
           signed_transaction_protobuf_object: Any) -> "SignedTransaction"

Decode a protocol buffer object that corresponds with this class into an instance of this class.

A new instance of this class must be created that matches the protocol buffer object in the 'signed_transaction_protobuf_object' argument.


  • signed_transaction_protobuf_object: the protocol buffer object whose type corresponds with this class.


A new instance of this class that matches the protocol buffer object in the 'signed_transaction_protobuf_object' argument.


def __eq__(other: Any) -> bool

Check equality.


def __str__() -> str

Get string representation.

SignedMessage Objects

class SignedMessage()

This class represents an instance of RawMessage.


def __init__(ledger_id: str,
             body: str,
             is_deprecated_mode: bool = False) -> None

Initialise an instance of SignedMessage.


def ledger_id() -> str

Get the id of the ledger on which the terms are to be settled.


def body() -> str

Get the body.


def is_deprecated_mode() -> bool

Get the is_deprecated_mode.


def encode(signed_message_protobuf_object: Any,
           signed_message_object: "SignedMessage") -> None

Encode an instance of this class into the protocol buffer object.

The protocol buffer object in the signed_message_protobuf_object argument must be matched with the instance of this class in the 'signed_message_object' argument.


  • signed_message_protobuf_object: the protocol buffer object whose type corresponds with this class.
  • signed_message_object: an instance of this class to be encoded in the protocol buffer object.


def decode(cls, signed_message_protobuf_object: Any) -> "SignedMessage"

Decode a protocol buffer object that corresponds with this class into an instance of this class.

A new instance of this class must be created that matches the protocol buffer object in the 'signed_message_protobuf_object' argument.


  • signed_message_protobuf_object: the protocol buffer object whose type corresponds with this class.


A new instance of this class that matches the protocol buffer object in the 'signed_message_protobuf_object' argument.


def __eq__(other: Any) -> bool

Check equality.


def __str__() -> str

Get string representation.

State Objects

class State()

This class represents an instance of State.


def __init__(ledger_id: str, body: JSONLike) -> None

Initialise an instance of State.


def ledger_id() -> str

Get the id of the ledger on which the terms are to be settled.


def body() -> JSONLike

Get the body.


def encode(state_protobuf_object: Any, state_object: "State") -> None

Encode an instance of this class into the protocol buffer object.

The protocol buffer object in the state_protobuf_object argument must be matched with the instance of this class in the 'state_object' argument.


  • state_protobuf_object: the protocol buffer object whose type corresponds with this class.
  • state_object: an instance of this class to be encoded in the protocol buffer object.


def decode(cls, state_protobuf_object: Any) -> "State"

Decode a protocol buffer object that corresponds with this class into an instance of this class.

A new instance of this class must be created that matches the protocol buffer object in the 'state_protobuf_object' argument.


  • state_protobuf_object: the protocol buffer object whose type corresponds with this class.


A new instance of this class that matches the protocol buffer object in the 'state_protobuf_object' argument.


def __eq__(other: Any) -> bool

Check equality.


def __str__() -> str

Get string representation.

Terms Objects

class Terms()

Class to represent the terms of a multi-currency & multi-token ledger transaction.


def __init__(ledger_id: str,
             sender_address: Address,
             counterparty_address: Address,
             amount_by_currency_id: Dict[str, int],
             quantities_by_good_id: Dict[str, int],
             nonce: str,
             is_sender_payable_tx_fee: bool = True,
             fee_by_currency_id: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None,
             is_strict: bool = False,
             **kwargs: Any) -> None

Instantiate terms of a transaction.


  • ledger_id: the ledger on which the terms are to be settled.
  • sender_address: the sender address of the transaction.
  • counterparty_address: the counterparty address of the transaction.
  • amount_by_currency_id: the amount by the currency of the transaction.
  • quantities_by_good_id: a map from good id to the quantity of that good involved in the transaction.
  • nonce: nonce to be included in transaction to discriminate otherwise identical transactions.
  • is_sender_payable_tx_fee: whether the sender or counterparty pays the tx fee.
  • fee_by_currency_id: the fee associated with the transaction.
  • is_strict: whether or not terms must have quantities and amounts of opposite signs.
  • kwargs: keyword arguments


def id() -> str

Get hash of the terms.


def sender_hash() -> str

Get the sender hash.


def counterparty_hash() -> str

Get the sender hash.


def ledger_id() -> str

Get the id of the ledger on which the terms are to be settled.


def sender_address() -> Address

Get the sender address.


def counterparty_address() -> Address

Get the counterparty address.


def counterparty_address(counterparty_address: Address) -> None

Set the counterparty address.


def amount_by_currency_id() -> Dict[str, int]

Get the amount by currency id.


def is_sender_payable_tx_fee() -> bool

Bool indicating whether the tx fee is paid by sender or counterparty.


def is_single_currency() -> bool

Check whether a single currency is used for payment.


def is_empty_currency() -> bool

Check whether a single currency is used for payment.


def currency_id() -> str

Get the amount the sender must pay.


def sender_payable_amount() -> int

Get the amount the sender must pay.


def sender_payable_amount_incl_fee() -> int

Get the amount the sender must pay inclusive fee.


def counterparty_payable_amount() -> int

Get the amount the counterparty must pay.


def counterparty_payable_amount_incl_fee() -> int

Get the amount the counterparty must pay.


def quantities_by_good_id() -> Dict[str, int]

Get the quantities by good id.


def good_ids() -> List[str]

Get the (ordered) good ids.


def sender_supplied_quantities() -> List[int]

Get the (ordered) quantities supplied by the sender.


def counterparty_supplied_quantities() -> List[int]

Get the (ordered) quantities supplied by the counterparty.


def nonce() -> str

Get the nonce.


def has_fee() -> bool

Check if fee is set.


def fee() -> int

Get the fee.


def sender_fee() -> int

Get the sender fee.


def counterparty_fee() -> int

Get the counterparty fee.


def fee_by_currency_id() -> Dict[str, int]

Get fee by currency.


def kwargs() -> JSONLike

Get the kwargs.


def is_strict() -> bool

Get is_strict.


def get_hash(ledger_id: str, sender_address: str, counterparty_address: str,
             good_ids: List[str], sender_supplied_quantities: List[int],
             counterparty_supplied_quantities: List[int],
             sender_payable_amount: int, counterparty_payable_amount: int,
             nonce: str) -> str

Generate a hash from transaction information.


  • ledger_id: the ledger id
  • sender_address: the sender address
  • counterparty_address: the counterparty address
  • good_ids: the list of good ids
  • sender_supplied_quantities: the quantities supplied by the sender (must all be positive)
  • counterparty_supplied_quantities: the quantities supplied by the counterparty (must all be positive)
  • sender_payable_amount: the amount payable by the sender
  • counterparty_payable_amount: the amount payable by the counterparty
  • nonce: the nonce of the transaction


the hash


def encode(terms_protobuf_object: Any, terms_object: "Terms") -> None

Encode an instance of this class into the protocol buffer object.

The protocol buffer object in the terms_protobuf_object argument must be matched with the instance of this class in the 'terms_object' argument.


  • terms_protobuf_object: the protocol buffer object whose type corresponds with this class.
  • terms_object: an instance of this class to be encoded in the protocol buffer object.


def decode(cls, terms_protobuf_object: Any) -> "Terms"

Decode a protocol buffer object that corresponds with this class into an instance of this class.

A new instance of this class must be created that matches the protocol buffer object in the 'terms_protobuf_object' argument.


  • terms_protobuf_object: the protocol buffer object whose type corresponds with this class.


A new instance of this class that matches the protocol buffer object in the 'terms_protobuf_object' argument.


def __eq__(other: Any) -> bool

Check equality.


def __str__() -> str

Get string representation.

TransactionDigest Objects

class TransactionDigest()

This class represents an instance of TransactionDigest.


def __init__(ledger_id: str, body: str) -> None

Initialise an instance of TransactionDigest.


def ledger_id() -> str

Get the id of the ledger on which the terms are to be settled.


def body() -> str

Get the receipt.


def encode(transaction_digest_protobuf_object: Any,
           transaction_digest_object: "TransactionDigest") -> None

Encode an instance of this class into the protocol buffer object.

The protocol buffer object in the transaction_digest_protobuf_object argument must be matched with the instance of this class in the 'transaction_digest_object' argument.


  • transaction_digest_protobuf_object: the protocol buffer object whose type corresponds with this class.
  • transaction_digest_object: an instance of this class to be encoded in the protocol buffer object.


def decode(cls,
           transaction_digest_protobuf_object: Any) -> "TransactionDigest"

Decode a protocol buffer object that corresponds with this class into an instance of this class.

A new instance of this class must be created that matches the protocol buffer object in the 'transaction_digest_protobuf_object' argument.


  • transaction_digest_protobuf_object: the protocol buffer object whose type corresponds with this class.


A new instance of this class that matches the protocol buffer object in the 'transaction_digest_protobuf_object' argument.


def __eq__(other: Any) -> bool

Check equality.


def __str__() -> str

Get string representation.

TransactionReceipt Objects

class TransactionReceipt()

This class represents an instance of TransactionReceipt.


def __init__(ledger_id: str, receipt: JSONLike, transaction: JSONLike) -> None

Initialise an instance of TransactionReceipt.


def ledger_id() -> str

Get the id of the ledger on which the terms are to be settled.


def receipt() -> JSONLike

Get the receipt.


def transaction() -> JSONLike

Get the transaction.


def encode(transaction_receipt_protobuf_object: Any,
           transaction_receipt_object: "TransactionReceipt") -> None

Encode an instance of this class into the protocol buffer object.

The protocol buffer object in the transaction_receipt_protobuf_object argument must be matched with the instance of this class in the 'transaction_receipt_object' argument.


  • transaction_receipt_protobuf_object: the protocol buffer object whose type corresponds with this class.
  • transaction_receipt_object: an instance of this class to be encoded in the protocol buffer object.


def decode(cls,
           transaction_receipt_protobuf_object: Any) -> "TransactionReceipt"

Decode a protocol buffer object that corresponds with this class into an instance of this class.

A new instance of this class must be created that matches the protocol buffer object in the 'transaction_receipt_protobuf_object' argument.


  • transaction_receipt_protobuf_object: the protocol buffer object whose type corresponds with this class.


A new instance of this class that matches the protocol buffer object in the 'transaction_receipt_protobuf_object' argument.


def __eq__(other: Any) -> bool

Check equality.


def __str__() -> str

Get string representation.