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AEA configuration utils.


def replace_component_ids(
        _arg: PackageConfiguration,
        _replacements: Dict[ComponentType, Dict[PublicId, PublicId]]) -> None

Update public id references in a package configuration.

This depends on the actual configuration being considered.


def _(arg: AgentConfig, replacements: Dict[ComponentType,
                                           Dict[PublicId, PublicId]]) -> None

Replace references in agent configuration.

It breaks down in: 1) replace public ids in 'protocols', 'connections', 'contracts' and 'skills'; 2) replace public ids in default routing; 3) replace public id of default connection; 4) replace custom component configurations.


  • arg: the agent configuration.
  • replacements: the replacement mapping.


def _(_arg: ProtocolConfig,
      _replacements: Dict[ComponentType, Dict[PublicId, PublicId]]) -> None

Do nothing - protocols have no references.


def _(arg: ConnectionConfig,
      replacements: Dict[ComponentType, Dict[PublicId, PublicId]]) -> None

Replace references in a connection configuration.


def _(_arg: ContractConfig,
      _replacements: Dict[ComponentType, Dict[PublicId, PublicId]]) -> None

Do nothing - contracts have no references.


def _(arg: SkillConfig, replacements: Dict[ComponentType,
                                           Dict[PublicId, PublicId]]) -> None

Replace references in a skill configuration.


def get_latest_component_id_from_prefix(
        agent_config: AgentConfig,
        component_prefix: PackageIdPrefix) -> Optional[ComponentId]

Get component id with the greatest version in an agent configuration given its prefix.


  • agent_config: the agent configuration.
  • component_prefix: the package prefix.


the package id with the greatest version, or None if not found.