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CLI commands

Command Description
add [package_type] [public_id] Add a package_type connection, contract, protocol, or skill, with [public_id], to the AEA. add --local to add from local packages directory.
add-key [ledger_id] file [--connection] Add a private key from a file for ledger_id.
build Build the agent and its components.
check-packages Run different checks on AEA packages.
config get [path] Reads the configuration specified in path and prints its target.
config set [path] [--type TYPE] Sets a new value for the target of the path. Optionally cast to type.
create [name] Create a new AEA project called name.
delete [name] Delete an AEA project. See below for disabling a resource.
eject [package_type] [public_id] Move a package of package_type and package_id from vendor to project working directory.
fetch [public_id] Fetch an AEA project with public_id. fetch --local to fetch from local packages directory.
fingerprint [package_type] [public_id] Fingerprint connection, contract, protocol, or skill, with public_id.
freeze Get all the dependencies needed for the AEA project and its components.
generate protocol [protocol_spec_path] Generate a protocol from the specification.
generate-all-protocols Generate all protocols.
generate-key [ledger_id] Generate private keys. The AEA uses a private key to derive the associated public key and address.
generate-wealth [ledger_id] Generate wealth for address on test network.
get-address [ledger_id] Get the address associated with the private key.
get-multiaddress [ledger_id]... Get the multiaddress associated with a private key or connection.
get-public-key [ledger_id]... Get the public key associated with a private key of the agent.
get-wealth [ledger_id] Get the wealth associated with the private key.
hash [command] [options] Hashing utils
init Initialize your AEA configurations. (With --author to define author.)
install [-r <requirements_file>] Install the dependencies. (With --install-deps to install dependencies.)
ipfs IPFS Commands
issue-certificates Issue the connection certificates.
launch [path_to_agent_project]... Launch many agents at the same time.
list [package_type] List the installed resources.
local-registry-sync Sync packages between packages.json and a local registry.
login USERNAME [--password password] Login to a registry account with credentials.
logout Logout from registry account.
packages Local package manager.
publish Publish the AEA to registry. Needs to be executed from an AEA project.publish --local to publish to local packages directory.
push [package_type] [public_id] Push connection, protocol, or skill with public_id to registry. push --local to push to local packages directory.
push-all Push all available packages to a registry.
register Create a new registry account.
remove [package_type] [name] Remove connection, protocol, or skill, called name, from AEA.
remove-key [ledger_id] [name] Remove a private key registered with id ledger_id.
reset_password EMAIL Reset the password of the registry account.
run {using [connections, ...]} Run the AEA on the network with default or specified connections.
scaffold [package_type] [name] Scaffold a new connection, protocol, or skill called name.
search [package_type] Search for components in the registry. search --local [package_type] [--query searching_query] to search in local packages directory.
test [package_type] [name] Execute test suite of an AEA project, or a specific AEA package.
transfer [type] [address] [amount] Transfer wealth associated with a private key of the agent to another account.
upgrade [package_type] [public_id] Upgrade the packages of the agent.
-v DEBUG run Run with debugging.


You can also disable a resource without deleting it by removing the entry from the configuration but leaving the package in the skills namespace.


You can skip the consistency checks on the AEA project by using the flag --skip-consistency-check. E.g. aea --skip-consistency-check run will bypass the fingerprint checks.