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Generating wealth

To fund an AEA for testing on a test-net you need to request some test tokens from a faucet.

First, make sure you have installed the crypto plugin of the target test-net. E.g. for Ethereum:

pip install open-aea-ledger-ethereum

Add a private key to the agent

aea generate-key ethereum
aea add-key ethereum ethereum_private_key.txt


If you already have keys in your project, the commands will prompt you for confirmation whether or not to replace the existing keys.

Using a faucet website

First, print the address:

aea get-address ethereum

This will print the address to the console. Copy the address into the clipboard and request test tokens from the faucet here for Ethereum. It will take a while for the tokens to become available.

Second, after some time, check the wealth associated with the address:

aea get-wealth ethereum

Using the CLI

Simply generate wealth via the CLI:

aea generate-wealth ethereum